Monday, May 2, 2011

Montreal Part I: Through A Glass Dimly

The ride up to Montreal was "Uneventful", if not a little weather worn. To quote Crowded hose, we basically did four seasons in one day, hitting a number of beautiful squalls of sun and snow throughout. I was in the back seat for once, and got to savour the sights through my back window, which promptly became glazed with some sort of fine mist and whitish sediment. It gave me a nice soft Effect without even needing to press any buttons or put a filter on! Sweet!

Wherever this is, here you are.

An interesting side note of sorts is that you have to be quick on the draw. There is no hand holding or coddling while you take meters and measurements and test shots. Unless you want to anoy your carmates with stopping every ten meters, you have to shoot on the fly.

There was a variety of views and weather conditions, but the majority was snow once we made it 10 degrees norther than we were.

Snow is pretty, and nice, and I love it a whole lot, but this snow was more like a niece or nephew. You have a lot of fun, but at the end of the day, you sent them home to the parents for the night.

The sun was setting in the...west...♫ THAT WAY IS WEST!

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