Saturday, July 5, 2014

London Calling: Prelude. Hyde and Seek

What a long day it has been. That's a good thing. Usually time flies when you are having fun, but it seemed to have slowed down to just the right amount, drawing itself out without being drawn out. As we leave the city behind and venture into a peaceful oasis of sunlight and beauty.

Also, I found out that Josh (Or J-Bray, as he is known to his Hombrays) Like to chew gum. Like, a lot! Even more than I liked to smoke back in the day. This is fine, and I am in no way gum shaming here, but the interesting consequesce if this gum chewing behavior was that every time I took a picture of Josh he would stop, reach in and pull out his gum, and then instruct me to take another one without the chew face. OK!

Chew face

Non chew face, after 3 do overs. Also the cover for Josh's new album "Chew it till your jaw hurts."

For a minute you can forget that you are in one of the largest cities in the universe, or even in a different country. Nature serves to remind us that we need to slow down a little and let her beauty jive us a little more purpose to the day, even if that purpose is having a lack of purpose.

That's the same sky I'm still looking up at here at home.

We stopped in at the Diana Memorial Fountain

Josh wasting no time to wade around.

Probably the best decision you will make all day.

After finding a map (and deciding not to get tiny waffles), We decided to fint the "Physical Energy Statue" because it sounded nerdy and stuff. I forget what it actually was for, but it wasn't physics. Yeah, I know, EVERYTHING is physics, so technically blah blah blah.

Cool horse though.
"All of this Physical Energy. It's blinding!"


In conclusion: London was pretty rad, but a mere day is not enough to crack the tip of the iceberg of things to do or see. We made our way to the train station to head to Birmingham, and I commented to Jbray that I was going to use our "accents" to get us noticed and get us free drinks.

While moving through the train to make sure that we would be on the correct car, we got stopped by a pack of ladies who insisted we sat with them and "Where are you froms!" Part one of the prophecy fulfilled. This is where fate turns the tables. These lovely ladies are actually coming back from a night on the town celebrating their friends birthday or whatever. sadly, they are all out of drinks.

But hey, what is this I have in my bag? oh! is that a beer? It is! I pulled it from where it rested in my bag, and as I held it up three hands reach into their purses and pull out, in perfect synchronicity, three plastic wine glasses. I have to hand it to people who are prepared. So, we filled the glasses and when it was gone, there was a hint of sadness, or almost a longing. One of the ladies was just sad because there weren't two beer. Well, not wanting to disappoint, I reached right back into my bag, producing yet another beer. I swear in that moment, I was a soldier coming back from the front lines, because there was cheering and giggling and streamers and a literal parade in my honour. All on this one little train car. People know how to commute in style.

That's all for Day One of England. Stay tuned for Day Two: Birmingham.

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