Thursday, March 15, 2012

HRM Travelling Pt.II: The Black and the White

On the road in and around the industrial side of the city is best told through the eyes of black and white "film". Especially during the salty, dirty "winter" that we have around here. It also ads the stark contrast that I love.

You also stare into the ass-end of a lot of tractor trailers. A lot.

Johnny 5 is alive!

(It's three swimmers in a race.)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

HRM Travelling PT.I: Morning

Had a Job for a little while which required driving around from various place to place. So, I figured, why not bring the camera along and try to capture some of the rugged industrialization of our fair city. There were other days which caught the wilds of rural living, but that was not this day.

The first step is to make it across the bridge at way too early in the morning. But the view was nice.

This would not be the last time the bridge was taken on this day. I forget exactly how many trips across we made, but they were all nice. Quite a pleasant elevation, really.

Living in Halifax means that you see these peppermint smoke stacks pretty much all the time. Some see them as ugly, some constant reminder of stuff or something. I rather enjoy them, and they always serve as a landmark. So wherever I wake up in the morning, I can usually find my way home.

I also like the whole rusted, worn down look of things, and how they contrast against nature, or modern endeavors.

I live near this underpass, and I have to say that the billion or so times I have ever driven under it, I have never really thought much of it until I actually walked underneath.